DC Heroes hits that cap at 13 APs and mainstay characters like Flash, Green Lantern, Superman, and Wonder Woman have powers that vastly exceed that benchmark. FASERIP tops out player character Strength at 100 tons (Unearthly) and Powers have the same cap. There is also the issue of scale to consider. If you're dealing with NPCs I guess ignoring any attribute you don't understand basically works. Influence may be close to "popularity" ? Otherwise there's not exactly an attribute for Charisma in FASERIP, either, whereas DC actually has three attributes for this (Influence, Aura, and Spirit).

Its an artifact of its basic game system where you compare Acting/Opposing attributes to see if something works, then Effect/Resistance to see how much result you get. Or in mystical attributes, then Influence and Aura are similar, one being how likely you are to affect them and the other by how much. One of the weirder things converting from DC to FASERIP is that there's more stats - it has an "acting", "resistance" and "effect" for each attribute group, so there's a separate stat for mental agility (Intelligence) and mental power (Mind). Humans normally go up to a Str of 5, and can go higher in other stats (Batman has an Int of about 12, while Lex Luthor has an Int of 13, I think). In DC heroes (MEGS) a stat of '2' is average human and each point beyond that doubles it.